Standard Wheelchair Anti-Tipper with Wheel
- For use with all Strongback Mobility Wheelchairs 22S/24 only
- Provides added peace of mind and additional stability and safety for individuals using the wheelchair
- Easily attaches to the wheelchair, no screws needed
- Color: Black
- Qty: 1
- Shipping fees do apply for this product and are calculated at checkout. See our updated shipping policy for details.
The replacement parts (hereafter Parts) provided by our company include a warranty containing the same terms, conditions, scope, and duration of the warranty provided with our Strongback wheelchairs. No other warranties, express or implied, are included. The Parts are intended to be used as a replacement for specific products. We cannot guarantee their compatibility with other products or their effectiveness in any other applications. We recommend consulting a qualified technician before attempting any repairs or replacements with our Parts. You are free to locate a qualified technician of your own choosing or, for your convenience, you may refer to our website in the Repair Referral Network link at the bottom of the home page. Any misuse or improper installation of our Parts may result in product malfunction or personal injury, and we shall not be held responsible for such incidents. By purchasing and using our Parts, the customer acknowledges and agrees to these terms and conditions. The terms of this disclaimer shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.”